National Manufacturing Day

There may be a perception that manufacturing in the UK has all but disappeared. In fact, this is very far from true. As Make UK’s National Manufacturing Day proves, manufacturing in the UK is more than just alive – it’s thriving.  The UK has a long historical culture of innovation which has produced amongst the biggest leaps forward in aerospace. When combined with highly talented and resourceful engineers, it results in the UK boasting an industry in high demand around the world for its services.

It also means we must make even greater efforts to look ahead and attract the best young talent and show them how rewarding a career in aerospace can be. So it is with great pride that Middlesex Aerospace has teamed up with Make UK, the manufacturer’s organisation, and will be throwing open our doors to show students from the Everest Community Academy on the 7th July.

During guided tours and question sessions, students will be get a first-hand view into our operations. From procurement to They will be shown the varied roles which combine to produce precision parts for the world’s biggest names in aviation. They can also ask about career paths, from apprenticeship schemes to graduate intakes, and get advice on what courses may be most suitable for them.